Ben was born in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri, and lived there until he lived in other places like Gainesville, Florida and Los Alamos, New Mexico. He currently lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with most of his possessions. He got his first exposure to improv at workshops put on by legendary Pittsburgh improv troupe Irony City. He found improv terrifying and swore never to be a part of it. He signed up for improv classes shortly thereafter, in May 2011. Since then he has been a part of many improv groups, including house teams at Steel City Improv Theater, Unplanned Comedy, and Arcade Comedy Theater. In addition to Well Known Strangers, Ben regularly performs with his early improv heroes as a member of Irony City, and with the critically acclaimed Arcade Comedy Theater Max Team Change Machine. When the time is right you can spot him in CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation, Dahri Ferks, and the Orange Economy. He has coached many teams throughout Pittsburgh, and performed at the Del Close Marathon, Chicago Improv Festival, Detroit Improv Festival, Baltimore Improv Festival, Nestival, and others. When not doing improv-related activities, Ben is probably either at his day job as an engineer, or wondering why he is not at work or doing improv.